The rabbit serves two purposes. First, it shows less of that fine plywood end grain. Second, it offers additional
surface area for the glue. This photo shows the fit without anything (other than gravity) holding it to the frame.
The top will be held on with urethane glue around the thin edge of the rabbit into the box sides
and into two center vertical dividers. In the future I will use Titebond III wood glue which is much easier to clean up. This should
allow about 51.75 square inches of surface area for gluing. Since this box will (hopefully) never be turned over additional strength
shouldn't be needed.
The bottom will be similar to the top except that it will be made of two 1/4" pieces of Oak plywood.
The first will fit into a dado (groove) around the sides. It will also be glued to the bottom of the two dividers. The second piece will fit
on bottom against the first and extend out over the edge of the sides covering the end grain like the top does, only thinner.If all goes well
there will not be any hardware (screws, braids, etc) holding the box together. I will use some to hold the hinges, latch and handles on.