This is the C11 Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope (SCT) from the early 2000s. When I purchased it
it was sold as the CG11. The C11 part was for Celestron's 11" SCT and the G11 was for Losmandy's G11 German Equatorial Mount (GEM).
This is a solid combo and tracked visually nicely. I used it on and off until about 2005 when I started building larger Newtonian telescopes.
The CG11 was barely used for 17 years. In 2022 I decided to take a shot at digital astrophotography.
This caused me to dust off the G11 mount and upgrade it with new motors and go-to electronics.
In mid 2023 I did the Level 6 firmware upgrade to the mount. This was unusual because the motor controller firmware in the two PIC microcontrollers
needed to be updated in addition to the SD card in the controller and the hand controller. Fortunately that went well.
I'm slowly rigging up the C11 for astrophotography but at f/10 the C11 is a slow gatherer of photons.
I decided to try the G11 mount with the little Megrez 80 first. After some bumps and a reasonable amount of success I swapped out the Megrez 80
for the C11. Due to the much higher magnification and the potential for mirror shift I employed an off axis guider for tracking.