I did considerable research before deciding on this telescope.
The optical quality and mechanical build are both extremely well made. I haven't been able to see any purple fringes around bright objects,
which was my biggest issue with the Megrez 80. Even objects that are a bit small for this 550mm focal length, like Thor's Helmet and the
Owl planetary nebula show up with good detail. With this telescope, the upgraded G11 mount and an appropriate filter I have been amazed with
the quality of images from my Bortle 8 skies.
Long before I retired I was planning on getting into astrophotography when the time came. The technology
was moving quickly so I held off deciding on the specific camera. When the time came ZWO had just released the ASIAir Plus which allows me to
remote control the setup as long as I use their imaging and guiding cameras. I went that route and you can see the red imaging and guiding camera
in the photo above. The ASIAir Plus is just able to be seen behind the finder telescope. The ZWO cameras with the Esprit 100 and the Losmandy mount
all being controlled by the ASIAir Plus has been fun and productive.