Buying a Telescope

My thoughts for aspiring astronomers

The best telescope is the one that you use.

A Wise Stargazer

Having purchased refractors, Schmidt Cassegrain Telescopes (SCTs) and built many Newtonian reflectors, I have some thoughts about telescopes and mounts. These are my opinions with the intent to help you make an appropriate choice for yourself. I strongly believe that the best way to make a final decision is to go where the telescopes are and look through them and talk to the owners yourself before making a purchase. Locate your local astronomy club and take advantage of the members knowledge and visit their dark sky site when they have their telescopes set up, usually on weekends nearest to a new moon.

Under the Milky Way

In addition to discussing different telescope and mount types this page briefly covers many topics that may help you get started in astronomy. At the most basic level all you really need are your eyes and a mostly clear view of the sky. Learn the constellations and watch for meteors (shooting stars). Add binoculars, or better, a telescope with an eyepiece or two and you are on your way. For visual astronomy almost everything after that is to make astronomy easier and more enjoyable. The more that you know about what you are looking at the more interesting it becomes. Don't let the information below scare you away. Get out, look up and enjoy what's up there.

There really isn't the one perfect 'does everything' telescope, at least for less than the price of a house. The huge light bucket (large Dobsonian) that is allows you to visually see faint galaxies rarely tracks well for long exposure photography or travels easily on a plane. Selecting the right telescope really requires you to think about how and where you will be using it. This page is intended to offer some general information that should allow you to make a better, more informed decision. At the end I do make a very general recommendation which may or may not be the right choice for you.

Many areas below describe the most common variants of their category. There are dozens of telescope and mount designs that do not fit nicely in the samples below. These examples are similar to what you are most likely to encounter if you are shopping for a telescope. While a Schiefspiegler is a interesting telescope design I have never seen one sold commercially and will not mention it again here.

The small hamburger menu at top left of the page is a quick way to locate the major topics or go back to the top or home page.

Now the standard public safety warning: Never look at the Sun with a telescope unless you have a proper visual solar filter installed on the front end of the tube, a Herschel Wedge installed or a projection method, like a Sun Funnel. Do not use solar filters that screw into the eyepiece (they sometimes crack from the focused heat).

The Optical Tube Assembly (OTA)

The OTA is the structure that houses the optical elements of the telescope keeping them in alignment. It may be a solid structure or an open frame as long as it is rigid. The OTA may be attached to a variety of mounts.

Dobsonian Telescope

Newtonian Reflector

This is the least expensive way to capture a lot of light. It's great for visual use. There is a concave primary mirror at the bottom of the OTA and a small 45 degree mirror near the top that directs the primary's reflected light towards the eyepiece on the side of the OTA. With some careful optical alignment and a solid tracking mount it may be used for photography. Unlike refractors, reflectors do not have an issue with blue fringes (see refractor). A telescope's aperture is the size of the front element or mirror and represents the light gathering potential.

The example above shows a Newtonian telescope on a Dobsonian mount. This combination is one of the least expensive ways to have a medium to large telescope.
Cost per inch of aperture: $-$$$$

Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope

Folded Optics reflector, like a SCT

This one has a mirror in the back and a clear corrector plate in the front (usually with a mirror in the center inside of the corrector). These are the shortest types of tubes for a given aperture. Many, like the one shown, have dedicated go-to mounts where you select the object on the hand controller and the mount motors point the telescope at the object. Others are just the OTA and intended on mounting on your existing mount. Some of these may be modified for photography with Fastar or HyperStar if used with a polar aligned mount. At the high end there are Rowe-Ackermann Schmidt Astrographs that are capable of incredible photographs.
Cost per inch of aperture: $$-$$$$

Refractor Telescope


This is your classic spy-glass telescope, only usually larger and more expensive. It always should have at least two glass elements (a doublet) and the better quality optics have a third or fourth special 'ED' element. The latter are called Apochromatic (APO) telescopes. The Doublets (two glass elements) are unable to bring all wavelengths to the same focus point and will often leave blue fringes around bright objects. The higher energy wavelengths (blues) refract (bend) more and cause this issue. The APO refractors special glass elements bring the high energy wavelengths back into focus. For photography use most refractors will require a field flattener to bring the stars around the edge of the field of view to points instead of small streaks. Inch per inch of aperture an APO refractor will be one of the most expensive telescopes out there. A 100mm refractor will vary in price from about $600 to $20,000+ depending on the size and quality of the glass, optical design, and optical tube. There are different qualities of ED glass also and, for the most part, you get what you pay for.
Cost per inch of aperture: $$-$$$$$

The Mount

The mount supports the Optical Tube Assembly (OTA) and allows it to move and point at the target. Some mounts are all manually controlled (push or pull the telescope) and others have motors that control their motion and may allow the telescope to track the target. Some mounts only work with one telescope while others may handle many different types of telescopes and, in some cases, multiple telescopes at one time, depending on its load capacity.

Alt-Az Mount

Altitude/Azimuth (Alt/Az)

The example above is designed for a small refractor telescope. This makes for an easy up and down and side to side motion.

Larger, ground hugging and usually wooden versions are the standard mount for a Dobsonian telescopes. It's low profile and great for a large, heavy telescope. Generally, it is manual where you push or pull the telescope to point where you want it. It may be fitted with motors for go-to or placed on a platform that will allow it to track for about an hour. These options work well for visual use but often lack the accuracy needed for long exposure photography.

These mounts may also be fitted with encoders that connect to digital setting circles which make finding fainter objects much easier, especially in the city.

Fork Mount

Fork Mount (may be one or two arms)

This mount is often used with the folded optics telescopes. It frequently has go-to ability and will track the night sky. Set up with a wedge so that the forks point at the pole it will track without field rotation. This may be used for visual and photography. There may be limitations to the camera equipment that it will support due to the mount getting in the way in the camera is mounted on the back of the telescope.

The more advanced models allow the camera to replace the secondary mirror allowing full motion with the camera installed.

GEM Mount

German Equatorial Mount (GEM)

GEM mounts are the standard for astrophotography. They require polar alignment to track the sky and may be used for visually or for photography. Unlike the other mounts these usually require counter weights and should only be used for about 50% of their weight limit for good photographic tracking. You should get one that has motorized tracking, at least for the right ascension axis for visual use and have both axis motorized for photographic use. For imaging it should also work with a guide scope (do your research on any potential mount). There are also new Strain-Wave mounts, also called Harmonic Drives, that work similarly to a GEM but may not need a counter weight for lighter loads. These mounts may vary between manual and full go-to. Some GEMs without go-to may have encoders and digital setting circled added.

What are you going to do with the telescope?

This usually comes down to Visual or Imaging. The first is using eyepieces to look at objects. The second is usually where a camera replaces the eyepiece for long exposures. Telescopes referred to as Astrographs should be able to be used for astrophotography out of the box. For visual use you likely will want a large aperture Dobsonian to focus as many of the ancient photons to the eyepiece as possible. Unlike a camera your eye only retains the photons for a short period.

For imaging a quality tracking mount and an Apochromatic (APO) refractor is the gold standard. As a beginner you likely don't need the gold standard. Expect the mount to cost as much as the telescope.

There are large Dobsonian telescopes that track. The issue is that their Alt/Az (up/down and left/right) mount motion causes an issue called field rotation if used for long exposures. It's possible to put a 8" Newtonian reflector on a large German Equatorial Mount (GEM) but the eyepiece is often at an uncomfortable visual position and any wind may vibrate the large tube for imaging.

Where are you going to use the telescope?

If you are using the telescope in a permanent observatory or wheeling it out of a garage it can be big and heavy. If you are traveling to a dark sky location to use it then what will fit in your vehicle and not be too heavy. If you are flying with the telescope it will likely be small or you will look through the telescopes of other astronomers. If the telescope is too much hassle to set up you likely will not use it. The best telescope is the one that you use.

  • How much telescope and mount can you afford?
  • How much are you willing to carry and set up?
  • Will it fit in your vehicle?

Visual Astronomy

Public visual astronomy

The local astronomy club's members often offer public observing nights that allows visitors to enjoy views through the telescopes.

Looking through a telescope is where most of us get started and many of us stay. The aperture of the telescope, the light gathering part, plays a major factor in what you can see. The next component is how dark your skies are. Generally, you want to use the largest aperture that you are comfortable purchasing, storing and moving around so that you can see fainter and more detail in objects.
If you want to keep the cost down look at Dobsonian telescopes. For a nice upgrade add digital setting circles that help you locate objects, even in the city.
For a go-to scope that usually has a longer focal length (more power with the same eyepiece) for the same aperture look into a SCT. This could be on a Alt-Az (up/down-left/right) mount or a German Equatorial (GEM) or Strain Wave mount. On the GEM or Strain Wave mounts this could be used for astrophotography also.
Refractors are usually the image quality leader and are often used for planetary and double star viewing. They are weak when used looking ar Deep Sky Objects (DSOs) due to their smaller aperture.

Many astronomers find great pleasure sharing views of the sky with the general public. Usually the views are limited to bright objects with the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter topping the list. Weather permitting, I set up a telescope most Halloween nights (the parents like it as much as the kids) and often join members of the St. Petersburg Astronomy Club (SPAC) during public outreach nights. Visit your local public outreach events even if you do not yet have a telescope. Contact your local astronomy club for the dates, times (some may be daytime solar events) and locations. Sky & Telescope, a magazine for amateur astronomers, has an excellent astronomy club finder.


Andromeda Galaxy

The Andromeda Galaxy taken from a bright suburb in Florida.

Astrophotography may be as easy as a camera on a tripod and capturing a dark landscape with the moon or star trails. It also may be as taxing as tracking stars for dozens of hours and taking hundreds of photos to combine the best shots into one good image. Using a wide-angle lens with a camera on a tripod you can usually take up a 30 second exposure without any noticeable blur to the stars. If you increase the exposure time stars will become streaks due to the rotation of the Earth.

While there are some inexpensive options to help extend the time, such as a home-made barn door tracker or move shoot move. The real solution is a tracking mount. More specifically a polar aligned tracking mount. The most popular of these is the German Equatorial Mount (GEM). If you plan on taking quality deep sky images you will need a quality mount that's capable of handling the weight of your equipment and allows accurate polar alignment and autoguiding. The mount really matters - maybe more than the telescope. Think of it this way: telescopes may come and go but a quality mount, like eyepieces, usually stick around.

Astrophotography takes practice and there is a lot to learn. Go to your local club's dark sky nights. Show up early and talk to people that have set up for photography. Do not touch any equipment unless the owner ask you to. This may be carefully polar aligned and a small bump, even stepping next to a tripod leg, may change the alignment.

Below breaks down a few of the astrophotography methods.

Piggyback Astrophotography

Piggyback Astrophotography

This is usually where a camera is mounted on top of the primary telescope and the telescope is used for tracking while the camera takes the photo. The photo above is using a double dovetail plate where the camera and telescope are mounted side-by-side. The camera is also on a tilt and pivoting bracket. This works the same as if the camera was mounted on the top of the telescope.

AFocal Astrophotography

AFocal Astrophotography

This is where the camera looks through the telescope's eyepiece to get the image. Generally, it's only used for bright objects and frequently on non-tracking mounts. The Moon and the brighter planets are popular targets with this method. Often a special bracket is used to clamp on the eyepiece and hold the camera in the correct position and distance from the eyepiece. The eyepiece will determine the magnification of the image (see Eyepieces further down).

Prime Focus Astrophotography

Prime Focus Astrophotography

This is where the eyepiece is replaced with a camera. Don't even consider Film, get a digital astronomy camera. The telescope will either need to be designed for photography, like Petzval design, or have a field flattener added to the back end before the camera. In the image above the red cylinder at the left is the primary camera, the little telescope at the top is the autoguider and the red box in the middle is an electronic focuser. Since almost no mount tracks the sky perfectly an autoguider is needed to make tiny adjustments every few seconds as it tracks some stars either with a second piggybacked telescope or with an off axis guider that picks stars off of the primary camera's optical path.

Travel Astronomy

Travel astronomy is a special niche. I don't mean the usual trip of taking your telescope from the house to a dark sky site and back. Travel usually means flying to distant locations to observe. The easy solution is to ask someone on or, or the astronomy club where you are going, if they would be willing share their telescope with you for an evening or two. If you are going to travel with a scope as checked luggage look into a solid hard-sided case like the Pelican Air cases. There are a few companies that make travel friendly scopes like collapsible Dobsonians (Sky-Watcher) and refractors that unscrew into shorter lengths (Astro-Physics) to fit in carry-on luggage.

The latest entries are smart telescopes that fit into a back pack, like the ZWO Seestar. This type of telescope may soon become the best option for travelers where astronomy isn't the primary purpose of the trip.

If you happen to be going somewhere that has a professional telescope check about getting a tour. Sometimes they are the classic observatories, like the Lowell Observatory in Arizona, and sometimes, like the Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico, it is group of outdoor radio telescopes.


Finder Scopes

Optical Finder Scope

A small, wide angle telescope is often attached to the main telescope to help you locate objects. It must be aligned to point at the same location as the main telescope. Locating objects visually with only the main telescope is much more difficult than you would think.

Sometimes the small finder telescope is replaced with a zero magnification finder. The Telrad is the most popular of these, although there are others. Some have lit-up bullseye and others have single red dots. You may have both eyes open and the display works like a heads-up display superimposing the dimly glowing circles or dot on where you are looking and, the main telescope is pointed, at the sky.

If you have a go-to telescope that is using a camera and it offers plate solving then when it is slews (moves) to an object it will take a brief photo of the stars and compare it to a database to make any adjustments and perfectly center the object. Plate solving is a somewhat new feature and it works amazingly well. I don't even attach the hand controller to my mount and allow the ASIAir to handled all telescope control.

High Power Lasers

Green Laser

High powered, usually green, lasers have become popular in amateur astronomy. Initially, they were used for pointing out objects at public events. Pointing at Saturn with your finger in the dark to 300 cub scouts doesn't work, but a green laser drawing a line to Saturn was a winner. Most of the cub scouts were more interested in the laser than in seeing Saturn. The lasers also were mounted on telescopes to be used to aim the main scope. This all works well. The issue is that the laser's beam may ruin someone's astro photo. Also, be careful not to point the beam at planes, helicopters or people. The brightest lasers could blind someone.

Plossl Eyepiece


DeLite Eyepiece

Eyepieces come in two popular sizes: 1-1/4" and 2". This is the focuser tube diameter that they fit into. There are some 0.96" eyepieces out there but stay away from them. There are also dozens of optical designs. The new prices range from about $40 to $900. The good news for beginners is that the Plossl eyepiece design is popular, works well and is fairly inexpensive in the $40-$90 range. The exit hole, the part that you look through, gets small below about about 10mm. Other designs or adding a Barlow may be the better choice for higher power views.

Now the elephant in the room: how much power does eyepiece X have? It varies by telescope, or, more specifically, by the telescope's focal length. The magnification power of an eyepiece is the millimeter (mm) focal length of the telescope divided by the mm of the eyepiece. A larger mm eyepiece has less magnification (power) than a smaller mm eyepiece. As the eyepiece mm decreases the eyepiece's back element (the end you look through) often becomes smaller. There are designs to compensate for this for an added cost.
Additionally, the eye relief varies by eyepiece. this is the distance from the back element to your eye. More back focus is usually easier for eyeglass wearers. If you are only near or far sighted you may remove your glasses and focus for your vision.

This Telrad, from my 12.5" scope, has the common eyepieces power chart on it. The eyepiece power is frequently asked during public observing. The Neoprene loop over the top prevents the public from trying to 'look into' the Telrad's pointy top instead of looking into the eyepiece.

Griffin Telrad

Lets use a 10" f5 Newtonian telescope for an example. While the millimeter (mm) focal length is almost always published with the telescope we'll do it manually. First convert 10" to millimeters: 10" X 25.4 = 254mm. Now we multiply the mm diameter of the mirror by the focal ratio: 254mm x f5 = 1270mm focal length.

If we have a 26mm eyepiece (1270mm / 26mm) we have 48.8x. If we have a 10mm eyepiece (1270mm / 10mm) we have 127x.
Flipping that, if you want a 60 power eyepiece take the focal length of the telescope and divide it by the desired power to get the millimeter size of the eyepiece: 1270mm / 60x = eyepiece would be needed.

With my 16" Dobsonian (focal length 1893mm) I spend most of my time using a 22mm (86x) or 17mm (111x) eyepiece. Occasionally I'll use a 13mm (145x) or a 8mm (236x).

Enter the telescope's focal length in millimeters and eyepiece millimeters below to calculate the power of that combination.


Solar Filters

Solar filters are an usual beast. They attach to the front of the telescope to block most of the light to protect your eyes. The unusual part is that they attach to the front of the telescope instead of screwing into the bottom of the eyepiece. This is because blocking the light at the eyepiece would create a very hot filter possibly capable of cracking the filter and allowing light through to your eye. This would be bad. Make sure that your solar filter is appropriate for visual use and covers the front of the telescope while attaching firmly to it. Finally, make sure that there are no cracks or tears in the filter every time that you use it. Generally, solar filters allow you to see sun spots and major solar flares.

There are a few manufacturers that make dedicated (and expensive) solar telescopes. These have the advantage of having special filters built into them that allow you to see much more solar detail. This includes the boiling surface of the sun and detail on solar flares and arches. If you have a chance to look through one of these telescopes during a daytime event I highly recommend it.

Other Filters

Most filters screw into the bottom of the eyepiece. Filters can only block various wavelengths of light. That's it. The magic is to block the undesirable wavelengths and leave the good wavelengths. The goal is to make the background black and what you are looking for stand out more. If you have a 2" focuser and use a 2" to 1-1/4" adapter see if your adapter is threaded on the bottom. That will allow you to buy all 2" filters and use them on both sized eyepieces. The 2" filters do cost more than the 1-1/4" but not as much as buying both sizes.

UHC Filter
UHC Filter Chart

A 2" UHC filter and its Bandpass chart showing which wavelengths are of light are allowed to pass through and which are blocked. The Mercury and Sodium vapor lights commonly used in street lights are blocked.

A light pollution filter or Light Pollution Reduction (LPR) filter are, in my opinion, one of the more useful filters, at least in the city. They attempt to block artificial lights, such as street lights, billboard lighting and other outdoor lights. This leaves the natural light that galaxies, stars and nebulas light through. This increases the contrast often allowing you to see things that would otherwise be washed out. These filters have had a new challenge with outdoor LED lighting that has new wavelengths that need blocking. The manufacturers are aware of this and working on the problem.

Color filters are also common and they are often used to help being out details on planets. Using a red or orange filter to look at Mars is one of the more common usages.

There are dozens of other specialty visual filters: Ultra High Contrast (UHC), O-III, H-Beta, etc. Some of these filters pass through very narrow bandwidths so you need to know what bandwidths that your target emits. I use UHC for faint nebula like the Owl (M97) or Thor's Helmet (NGC2359). An O-III filter makes the cloud of the Great Orion Nebula (M42) stand out. An H-Beta filter is supposed to help with the Horsehead nebula (Barnard 33). I still haven't seen the Horsehead visually. I recommend skipping the H-Beta filter and attempting the Horsehead unless you are in a very dark location with a big telescope.

Astrophotography Filter Bandpass Charts

Light Pollution Filter

LPR filter

Narrow Band Filter

Narrow band filter

Very Narrow Band Filter

Very narrow band filter

Astrophotography has it's own set of filters, some for emission nebula, others for broad spectrum galaxies. A few are really specialized for very low focal ratio telescopes, like f/2, and allowing gray scale astro cameras to collect data that can be combined into a color image. Photographic filters are usually not for visual use.


There's a name for my pain and it is dew.

Dew Heater Straps on a refractor

Here are dew heater straps (dark objects) on the primary telescope and the guide scope. I often need to run them at 90-100% to keep the dew off. I doubt that a 5v USB dew heater would generate enough heat to do the job.

If you live in a moderate to high humidity area you will encounter issues with dew. It loves to form on exposed glass - front telescope elements, eyepieces and sometimes mirrors. The good news is that there are ways to defend against it. The goal is to prevent new high humidity air from getting to the front elements and keeping the element slightly above the dew point.

For telescopes that have a front lens element like refractors and SCTs a combination of lens hood or an add-on dew shield along with a dew heater are usually the best option. A dew shield is an extended lens hood that extends out the front of the telescope's optical tube and it passively blocks dew and helps hold in a small amount of heat. A add-on dew shield is a requirement for most SCTs.

The dew heater slightly warms the front element to prevent dew from forming. This is usually in the form of a heated strap that goes around the tube where the outer lens element is located. On SCTs it also may be a replacement front retainer ring that holds the front element in. In both cases the dew heater will connect to a power source. Some are USB powered and the more advanced strips connect to a dew heater controller with multiple outputs that has variable heat and may even monitor the dew point and keep the heat at exactly the minimum needed temperature.

Eyepieces and finder scopes also have issues with dew. Usually a dew heater on both solves the problem.

In a pinch I have use a Hot Hands hand warmer and a rubber band around an eyepiece to stop the dew. There's not much temperature control with this option, but it worked. I used a microfiber cloth to occasionally wipe the dew from the Telrad's plastic heads-up display.

Newtonian telescopes often only need an eyepiece and finder dew heater. The primary mirror retains enough heat for most observing sessions. Some Newtonian telescopes have dew heater elements built in behind the secondary mirror. You will know it when you need it.

The old school fix of last resort is to bring along a small hair drier to warm things off and remove the dew. Fortunately the dew heaters are getting better and this option isn't needed as much. It's much easier to stay ahead of dew than try to reverse it once the glass is wet.

There are a lot of really great dew heaters and dew strips available. I use Dew Not, Kendrick and Astro Zap strips and can recommend all of them. Some year ago I decided to design my own microprocessor controlled dew heater controller. I built three and members of the SPAC club built another 20. They are basic two channel dew heater controllers that are all, to the best of my knowledge, still in use from Florida to Wyoming. Buying the commercial dew strips was easier than making my own (I don't sew).

The latest twist to dew heater control is that dew heater controllers are built into ASIAir, Pegasus and other third party telescope controllers and power centers. You still need the dew strips and they plug into the telescope controller. Sometimes that might require an adapter to get to a female RCA jack that the heater strips like to plug into.

Two Batteries

Telescope Power

Battery Box

With a standard Dobsonian scope you don't need much, if any power. A little eyepiece dew control and, maybe, digital setting circles. If you are at a location with electricity you will likely plug in and be happy. In the field you may not have that option. The eyepiece issue could be handled by the previously mentioned hand warmer, a USB 5v power with a USB dew strap or a 12v dew controller. If the eyepiece is an inexpensive one you may opt just to use clean micro fiber cloth and wipe the dew off. Digital setting circles, if you have that, usually have the option to run from an internal battery or external power.

Powering a more power hungry telescope - like one with go-to scope, astrophotography cameras, telescope controller that is also a wi-fi hub and dew heaters may require 12v and 3-7 amps per hour (each set-up varies). I have a separate page for telescope electrical field power. Bounce over to it and then come back here.

Red Lights and Seeing in the Dark

Red Flashlight

When you go from a well lit area to a dark location a couple of things happen to your eyes. Your pupils get larger quickly. Over the next about 20 minutes your body also releases chemicals that assist your night vision. The takeaway is that if you stay in the dark for about 30 minutes you will see better in the dark regardless of your age. Younger people's pupils open more and the opening decreases a bit as you get older. That's about going from a maximum diameter of around 7mm to 5mm. Another reason to start astronomy when you are young.

Averted vision may also help you see really dim objects. Instead of looking directly at the object, instead look slightly to the side of it. This will allow more of the incoming photons to hit the light sensing cells (mostly rods) in your eyes allowing you to make out the image better.

For dark adapted eyes we want to keep them that way. A dim or variable brightness red light is the answer. You can take a standard flashlight and stretch one or more red balloons over the end, tape red plastic over the lens or purchase a red astronomy flashlight. Ideally this light should be small enough to go on a lanyard. Most astronomers wear one around their neck since it may be difficult to find a flashlight in the dark. Red headlamp lights are often too bright and blind other astronomers although they may work if you are observing alone. I haven't made many specific recommendations here but I will for Rigel Systems astro flashlights. They are designed for astronomers. Some models, like the SkyLite have a switch to go between red and white light, which can be handy at times. I believe that they all have dimmer dials on them.

Observing Lists & Charts

After the Moon and bright planets you'll need to come up with a list of things to look at. Usually the best starting point are the Messier Objects. These are some of the brightest objects in the sky. A great set of charts to locate them, especially if you are using a Telrad finder, is on the Los Angeles Astronomical Society's site.

Beyond the Messier objects there are Caldwell Objects and many other observing lists. Just do a web search for 'observing list'. There are hundreds of lists to pick from. Wikipedia has an awesome list of Astronomical catalogs, many specializing in particular types of objects, like the Abell catalog of planetary nebulae or the like the Arp Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies. There are also many observing lists online for various times of the year.

In addition to pre-made lists there are dedicated observing list programs like Sky Tools, Deep Sky Planner and AstroPlanner. You likely don't need one of these unless you are getting serious about your time under the stars. These allow you to easily make custom lists to match your observing interests.

Finding Things

Star Chart of M1

The Tarus (the Bull) Constellation showing where Messier 1 (M1) is located next to the tip of the horn (bottom left). M1 is the glowing gas left over after a star went supernova (exploded leaving a neutron star). The explosion was seen from Earth in the year 1054.

There are thousands of objects that you can see with a moderately sized telescope in a dark location. Start with the Messier Catalog, then the Caldwell or brighter NGC catalog objects. In star catalogs the lower the magnitude value is the brighter the object is. Some objects, like nebulas, have their magnitude values as if they were a point light source and not disbursed gas so don't expect them to appear as bright as their value suggests. Each whole number change between magnitudes is a change of about 2.5 times in brightness, up or down.

Don't expect to see much color visually in a telescope. With the exception of really bright objects, like planets and some stars there isn't enough light energy to activate the cones (color) in our eyes leaving the rods (B&W) to see the objects.

Star Hopping

Locate what you want to find on a star chart and using bright stars 'hop' from one to the next triangulate your object and locate it in the eyepiece. This works best in dark skies with a knowledgeable telescope operator.

Setting Circles

Many mounts have Right ascension (RA) and Declination (DEC) markers on them. If you know the current coordinates of your object and set the RA dial correctly you should be angle to locate an object by the numbers. It's easier said than done but it does work.

Digital Setting Circles

Digital Setting Circles

Life is getting much easier now. Digital Setting Circles (DSCs) are a small special purpose computer that connect to two encoders on the telescope's mount that keeps track of the telescope's movement. Once the date is entered and it's aligned on a couple of bright stars, it knows where everything in its databases is located. You enter the catalog, like Messier, and object ID, like 31 (Andromeda galaxy), and manually move the telescope while watching the numbers on the display. When both numbers are zero you should be on your target. This has low electrical power needs and many have an internal 9v or built-in rechargeable battery. Most versions of DSCs also allow updating of the comets and adding custom observing lists. They are also silent to operate. I highly recommend Digital Setting Circles for manual (push-to) telescope mounts.

Go-To Mount

After an initial alignment the motors on the mount move the telescope to your selected object. This requires the most power and the motors are a bit nosier when slewing (quickly moving the telescope). With a wireless setup you can control the telescope from a computer with a wi-fi or, in come cases, bluetooth connection. This control is common for astrophotography and allows the telescope operator to stay inside while hours of photographs are made in the cold.

Planetarium Software

There are many phone, tablet and desktop computer programs that will show you a representation of the night sky. They will use your location (city or longitude and latitude) as well as the current date and time to display what is overhead. The phone and tablet apps alow you to move the device around to see the section of the sky that fits on their screen. You may also zoom in for more detail as well as turn on and off various labels. Some allow you to change the date, time and location. Like most apps, some of these have a small charge if you want more features.

The desktop programs often have a larger database, photos of many of the objects. They also have the ability to change the location, date and time and change the clock speed. This later item allows you to see things like precession, which takes 26,000 years to make a complete loop. This changes which star is our North star. Past and future events, like Halley's Comet and eclipses may be viewed by the armchair astronomer. While many of these are commercial programs, like The Sky or Redshift. Others are free and quite good, like Stellarium, Cartes du Ciel or C2A (Computer Aided Astronomy).

Many of these programs have the ability to connect to digital setting circles and go-to telescopes so that the program or app controls the telescope Most also have Moon phases and a list of what's up tonight and many other filters and features.

Dark Skies, the Bortle Scale and Clouds

There are phone apps and online dark sky maps that show where the bright and dark areas are located. They will allow you to see the relative brightness of your location to other locations near and far. Africa looks pretty good for observing.

To measure a location's brightness there are Sky Quality Meters and a scale named the Bortle Scale. The Bortle Scale assigns a number between '1', very dark location, to '10', in a bright inner city. The Bortle number is what is commonly used to describe how dark a location is. I live in a Bortle 8-9 location and the photos on my astrophotography page were taken there, with the help of previously discussed artificial light blocking filters.

There's an organization called DarkSky International (previously called the International Dark-Sky Association or IDA) that is dedicated to reducing light pollution (man-made artificial light) and bring back a darker night sky. Most astronomy clubs support and may have liaisons communicating with DarkSky and working to educate the local governments about the value of well directed lighting. Most amateur astronomers still refer to DarkSky as the IDA.

Clouds - Is it Clear Outside?

About the only thing more important than dark skies are clear skies. Clouds, with or without rain, will prevent most astronomy. With thin clouds you may still be able to look at the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn, but that will be about it. I use a phone app called Clear Outside that does a really great job predicting the percentage of cloud cover at your location. It even breaks down the cloud cover different elevations. I plan my observing and astrophotography days using this app. This is, at least when I wrote this, a free app.

Clear Outside

Safety & Comfort

Trust the voice in your head and if it says that something doesn't look safe avoid it. Below are a few topics that may help your astronomy outings be more comfortable.


Going to a dark, isolated location by yourself with expensive equipment isn't the best idea. Things can happen. The car breaks down, you get injured or sick or you have a problem with animals. The most dangerous animal being a bunch of drunks that happen upon your location. At very least observe with a buddy, at a secure campground or better, observe with an astronomy club.

Star Parties

Star Party Telescopes

Here are some Dobsonian Telescopes at a Star Party.

Some of the best times can be had at Star Parties. These are larger than the monthly dark sky weekends and often attended by dozens to hundreds of astronomers and often feature guest speakers and equipment demos. You must sign up in advance and there will be a, usually modest, fee. There are star parties throughout the year and they are found in most countries. In the U.S. most states have 2-4 each year with some being larger than others. A few are so popular that they fill up within hours of registration opening. You will likely need to bring your own tent or trailer to sleep in. The month that each star party is scheduled depends on local temperatures. Almost all plan on including the weekend closest to a new moon.

Some events look like a star party but they are really daytime conferences that may or may not have evening star gazing. The granddaddy of these is the Stellafane Conference held in Springfield Vermont. It is aimed at amateur telescope makers with wonderful lectures and telescope and optics competitions. Another is the Northeast Astronomy Forum (NEAF), which is billed as 'The world's largest and most spectacular astronomy & space expo'. The NEAF conference often has the newest equipment on display.


Dark sky sites are frequently 5-10 degrees colder than being in the city that holds the heat in concrete. Bring layers of clothing and an appropriate jacket to stay warm including a hat and gloves. If available, pick up some Hot Hands and if it gets cold put one in both jackets and another under your hat. Try to do that before you are really cold. It's easier to stay warm than it is to get warm once you are shivering.

Don't forget to bring a chair, drinks and a snack and, maybe, a portable charger for your cell phone, especially if you are using it for your star charts.

What's bugging you?

Mosquito Spray

Try to get to the observing site before dark, even if you are not setting up a telescope. If you are leaving in the dark point the car near and towards the exit, if possible. At the site check out the area for ant hills and avoid them. Spraying your shoes with mosquito spray can help prevent the ants from marching two by two up your leg. For Mosquito spray I recommend spray that uses Picaridin at at least 15%. It feels like alcohol going on and doesn't leave your skin sticky. Picaridin also works really well against mosquitos and ticks. Deet likes to dissolve some plastics and a lot of telescope equipment is plastic so I avoid it. In all cases use the spray downwind from the telescope optics by at least 20 feet. Mosquito spray on telescope optics may ruin the coatings.


(Don't Panic!)

Collimation is aligning the telescope's optics so that as many of those little photons as possible come into focus. It sounds scarier than it is. The info below is a very brief idea of collimation for the various telescope designs. The details are better served on web sites that go into detail.


For a Newtonian telescope this involves making sure that the small secondary mirror is centered (or slightly offset in some cases) in the focuser. Then angle the telescope at about 45 degrees. Using a laser the secondary mirror should reflect a laser to the center of the primary mirror (that should already have its center marked) Then the primary mirror should be adjusted so that the laser beam bounces back to the secondary mirror and back into the laser's hole where the beam came from. Newtonian primary mirrors may move slightly during travel. Once collimated that will stay close but should be checked each time that the telescope is set up.
You mat also continue (nobody does) by star testing like the SCT (below). Instead of adjusting the secondary mirror you will tweak the primary mirror. This latter part usually requires two people.

Schmidt Cassegrain Telescopes (SCT)

For a SCT a medium bright star should be centered and brought out of focus until you can see rings around it. If the rings skew to one side adjust the secondary mirror's alignment screws to get concentric circles around the star. Then go back to focus and keep going to test the shape the other side of the focus point. Repeat until both sides of focus look as good as possible. You need to make sure that as you loosen one secondary alignment screw you tighten one or both of the others to maintain a slight tension on the back of the secondary mirror holder. If it gets too loose the mirror and holder may flop around a bit. Once collimated it should remain collimated unless it is handled harshly. This is called Star Testing and there is a pretty in-depth book on the subject. Do not use a Newtonian collimation laser to collimate a SCT.


For a refractor do nothing. It should come from the factory collimated and stay there. Collimating a refractor requires a skill set that few amateur astronomers have and really shouldn't be needed.

Assuming that the manufacturer made a collimated refractor the next most critical component is the quality and design of the optics. It usually takes at lest three optical elements, not counting the eyepiece, to have a chance of eliminating the blue halo around bright objects. One or more of those elements needs to be at least extra-low dispersion (ED) glass for a telescope to call itself an ED scope. The issue is that that there is levels of ED with the lower end removing most of the blue fringes and the upper end eliminating it completely. Don't expect an $800 'ED' telescope to match the quality of a $7000 ED scope. When you are shopping for a quality refractor do your homework.

Telescope Covers

TeleGizmos 365 Series Cover

TeleGizmos 365 Series Cover.

Astro Systems Cover

Astro Systems Cover.

When you start doing multi-night observing with your telescope you may want to leave it set-up between sessions. The bigger and more complicated the set-up is the more likely that you will want to leave it set up. The telescope should really be covered to protect it from any chance of dew, rain/snow and Sun damage. Besides the obvious optics and electronics some of the commercial Dobsonian mounts are made of particle board and have a tendency to fall apart if they get wet so try to keep these dry.

If I'm using a refractor on a large mount I'll usually bring the refractor and control electronics inside and cover the mount and leave it set up.

In a pinch bring a trash bag large enough to cover the scope and as much as the mount as possible. While I have seen an astronomer bungee cord an umbrella to their scope for protection I don't recommend that option.

Like everything, some of the commercial options are really good and others, well, not so much. In the really good category I'll call out AstroSystems Telescope Covers and the TeleGizmos 365 Series Cover. There are other quality covers. Research them online and choose what is best for your needs and pocketbook. I have been using the AstroSystems covers on my Dobsonian telescopes for years and the sail cloth works and holds up well. Every few years I re-coat it with a waterproofing spray, similar to a tent. I have not used the TeleGizmos cover but it shouldn't need re-waterproofing and friends that have one recommend them.

Beware of some of the thin mylar telescope covers. The Mylar punctures pretty easily and tears. I had one for my SCT and it lasted about two years. You will frequently see these on the observing field with strips of duct tape patching the holes.

Regardless of the cover I recommend using either a bungee cord or, my preference, a kayak tie-down strap with cam buckle (not a ratchet), to wrap around the bottom of the cover to keep it from blowing off. It's also wise to aim the telescope away from the Sun's path. That would be North in the Northern hemisphere and South in the Southern hemisphere. Also, don't forget to put the lens caps or primary mirror cover on before bagging up the scope.

Telescope Glass

This section may be too much info for many people. It does not do a deep dive but is a very high-level look at glass in telescopes. In all cases a lower focal ratio, like f/4, will place more demands on the optical elements than a higher focal ratio, like f/7. Some manufacturers intentionally use longer focal lengths to compensate for optical issues that would be present at shorter focal lengths.

16" plate glass polishing

This is a 16" diameter one inch thick plate glass mirror blank while I was polishing it. After being figured and coated it went into the Mini Maxx telescope.

Mirror Glass

Most glass works well for mirrors. Almost all Newtonian and SCT mirrors are made with a form of Borosilicate (Pyrex) that expands and contracts slowly and not very much to temperature changes. This allows you to start using the telescope right after dark with minimal thermal changes happening slowly. My 12.5" and 18" Dobsonian telescope have Pyrex mirrors which is harder and takes longer to grind and polish than plate glass but the dark backgrounds and pin-point stars were worth the effort.

Plate glass changes temperature faster and expands more but it also comes to thermal equilibrium fairly fast. This makes more heat currents right after dark but it fades off quickly. My 16" Dob telescope has a plate glass mirror cast in the 1950s and ground and polished in 2019 and the views through it are beautiful.

There are also some more exotic materials like Quartz, Zerodur (both are harder than Pyrex and barely expand at all) and Black Vitreous Ceramic (BVC). I would avoid BVC due to its layered construction, although, with care, it can be made into a excellent mirror. The others all work nicely.

When the glass was heated and cooled it needed to be annealed. This happens slowly - often over days - cooling the glass and relieving any internal stress. If there is stress it will likely cause the shape of the mirror's surface to flex slightly during grinding and figuring and also during cooling before and during viewing.

You'll notice that metal and carbon fiber are not listed for mirror material. Metal was used before glass - a thing called speculum. It tarnished quickly and needed to be repolished and refigured every few months. Glass mirrors have a smoother surface and allow for a better figure and the aluminum coating with aluminum oxide protective overcoat often lasts for years. Carbon fiber, while light and rigid, has fibers. Fibers usually send the photons off in undesired directions and they are difficult to make flat. NASA is working on lightweight carbon-nanotube mirrors and someday they might become available for amateur astronomers.

ED refractor front element

The front lens element of a ED refractor.

Lens Glass

A critical component of a refractor is the quality and design of the optics. It usually takes at least three optical elements, not counting the eyepiece, to have a chance of eliminating the blue halo around bright objects (not a problem with reflectors). One or more of those elements needs to be Extra-low Dispersion (ED) glass for a telescope to call itself an ED scope. The issue is that there are levels of ED with the lower end removing most of the blue fringes and the upper end eliminating it completely. Don't expect an $800 'ED' telescope to match the quality of a $8000 ED scope. When you are shopping for a quality refractor do your homework. I recommend reading reviews on and looking at the images on (search for the telescope that you are interested in). Select and zoom in on various images to see what you do and do not like. Again, you usually get what you pay for.

Abbe Numbers

For those that want to nerd out a bit more the chart below shows the Abbe numbers for common types of refractor glass. The Abbe value represents how much different wavelengths refract in the glass and the range is 0 to 100. The higher the value the closer to all of the wavelengths (at least the visible, UV and IR wavelengths) refracting the same amount and coming to focus together. Telescopes using glass with lower Abbe values will have more of a violet/blue halo around bright objects. Keep in mind that the optical glass is only one part of the telescope design, although better glass is a good start.

Many refractor telescope spec sheets list the type of ED glass that they use. Some manufactures only list the elements as being ED without being specific. If you want to find the Abbe number for other types of glass look at the web site.

Here are some examples:

Abbe Number
Orion ShortTube 80T
Svbony SV503 ED 70mm
Ohara FPL-51
Orion EON 110mm ED f/6.0
Ohara FPL-51
Altair Starwave Ascent 102ED F7
Ohara FPL-51
Explore Scientific ED102
Hoya FCD1
Astro-Tech AT70ED
Lunt 80mm MT ED
Ohara FPL-53
Williams Optics Redcat 51
Ohara FPL-53
Sky Watcher Esprit 100ED
Ohara FPL-53
Vixen SD81S
Ohara FPL-53
Explore Scientific ED102-FCD100
Hoya FCD-100

Glass Abbe Values

My Closing Thoughts

It didn't seem right to not add an actual recommendation or two, so here it goes...

Visual Telescope

Dobsonian Telescope

If you are new to astronomy, I would recommend that you join your local astronomy club and look through some telescopes before buying one.
If you want to get out and use a telescope visually now I'll recommend a 6" Dobsonian for a child or a 8" or 10" Dobsonian for an teen or adult. Ideally with digital setting circles to help locate things. Get at least two Plossl (optical design) eyepieces around the 80x and 120x power range. A light pollution filter is helpful if you will be using the telescope in the city (this blocks some of the artificial light). Add a laser collimator to align the telescope's optics and a dimmable, or at least dim, red flashlight. An astronomy phone app is also handy especially to locate constellations and planets. Download a list of the Messier Objects (the best and brightest non planet objects to look at) and start having fun.

If you don't mind buying a used setup look at Facebook Marketplace, or the classified section. Many of the entry level commercial Dobsonian bases are made with particle board so make an effort to keep the bases dry.

Starter Digital Telescope

If you would rather have a digital telescope that will send images of what it is aimed at to your phone or tablet take a look at the Dwarf, Seestar or a similar telescope. It builds (stacks) the image out of many short exposures allowing you to see objects much dimmer than you would be able to visually through an eyepiece. Even if you already have a telescope the new digital telescopes are fun to use. These telescopes generally have built-in rechargeable batteries. Many connect to multiple mobile devices at the same time allowing a group to watch the images as they are imaged. Usually the first device connected controls the telescope. If you get a digital telescope see if you can add a dew shield to help keep the lens clear. These telescopes are much more compact than most visual telescopes, often fitting in a back pack.

Seestar Telescope
