Constellation: Ursa Major
Telescope: Esprit 100ED with ASI2600MC camera
Autoguider: Williams Optics Uniguide 50mm with ASI220MM camera
Mount: Losmandy G11 with Gemini 2 mini controller
Controller: ASIAir Plus
Filter: L-Pro
Location: Mid Pinellas County, Florida.
Bortle: 8+
Subs: 64 at five minutes each (5.3 hours)
Processing: PixInsight
Comment: Estimated at one trillion stars the Pinwheel galaxy is about 20 million light years away from us.
It has a diameter of about 170,000 light years compared to out Milky Way that has a 87,400 light year diameter.
In the upper left you can see what looks like an elongated star. This is 15.3 magnitude spiral galaxy PGC 49919 (Principal Galaxy Catalog) which,
the best that I can figure out, is about 103 million light years away.